Join us on Food Servicing Packaging Award show on 31st March


Are you excited? As we definitely are!
The Food servicing Packaging Award Show, which was cancelled last year, is returning this year with incredible highlights and entertainments at the Grand Hotel Brighton on March 31, 2022.
The event is jam-packed with exciting events, ranging from product demonstrations to networking with industry experts with a cocktail reception and continues with well-known famous presenter, wonderful talent, and, of course, the thrill of the awards throughout the night with a scrumptious dinner.

The Award Ceremony will celebrate sustainability, new breakthroughs in the business, product innovativeness, and experts will network on various measures and how recyclable packaging has become an inevitable part of the product packaging.

We would be honoured to demonstrate our biodegradable products to all the visitors and other product variety, which will be on display at our exhibit, and we hope to have a meaningful event together. As a company, we are always striving to build relationships with our clients and audiences while also adding value to society and this will be possible if you also join us in the award show.

Joining us on the show will keep you informed, help you in networking and further increases the brand value in the industry, we’re sure, you don’t want to miss the chance?

To know more about the award show please check out the link below:’

Link for the awards:

Follow us on social media to have live update about the award show night!

Our Featured products during the show, read about it: